A Newsletter on Marketing (and Life) #056

Mini-creators + AI + Creative

Time to read: 2:43 minutes

1. One marketing idea

Don't have one face of your company.

Have many.

Diversify your company's faces (content creators).

Rather than having one prominent personality, have a portfolio of mini-creators who draw attention to (and build) the brand.

I like this idea for many reasons:

  • Too many brands are fragile (having one face)

    • Also, many brands have NO FACE

  • It positions you for the future by creating a more expansive brand

    • This overcomes one of the main arguments: Why build someone's brand when they will leave

    • A high tide raises all boats (including your brand!)

I've discussed this topic with many podcast guests (this week included). It's critical to building a brand in the digital age.

It also aligns with using other voices in your company to tell the story.

As Amber (this week's pod guest) says, "Never rely on one person to tell your company's story."

2. What's new in (the) marketing (zoo)?

Brands need to stand on AI.

Maybe not all, but many. Like Etsy.

I believe this for a few reasons:

  • It reinforces the story you want to tell

  • You provide transparency and allow for accountability

  • You can always update and restate your position

I think Etsty's Keep Commerce Human campaign is excellent marketing. It allows them to own their position and strengthen their story.

"Our film isn't anti-tech, it's pro-human. It's a reminder that the things that arrive on your doorstep can come from someplace more meaningful than a fulfillment center." David Kolbusz, chief creative officer at Orchard.

If your product or work intersects with AI (hi marketers 👋), you should have public, digital documentation of your stance.

Always open for revision :)

3. Good or bad marketing? (You pick!)


We can agree to hate cell phone companies (the main few).

Can we agree to STOP using AI in ads/product messaging?

This ad from Verizon doesn't do it for me.

For a few reasons:

  • Poor targeting: I've ONLY owned an iPhone

  • The message isn't clear: Get a phone for the cheap?

  • It feels like an ad: The best ads feel like content (not ads!)

I also think this hits at a broader issue: Display (animated or not) ads DO NOT WORK. I will die on this hill.

When have you bought something or switched cell phones based on a deal from a display ad? If you have, I'll buy you Starbucks for a month.

You can't tell a story in a display ad.

And we buy stories (many times).

My final decision: BAD marketing. Do you agree?

4. Quote of the week 

"I'm obsessed with Creative. It is your video ad – on TV or YouTube. It is the text in your Search ad. It is the hideous LV billboard in Manhattan of Roger and Rafa walking in t-shirts (!) on top of an ice mountain." – Avinash Kaushik.

Gary Vee preached that the creative is the most important.

He would tweak and test until he could exploit a great creative.

Without the creative, it doesn't work: "55% - 70% of a Marketing campaign's success is influenced by the Creative!"

"There is literally nothing in Marketing that is more important." – Avinash.

I agree; let's spend time refining the creative vs more tasks.

5. Episode on Content (Strategy) + Social + Brand w/ Amber Rhodes

Most brands fail on social.

And with content.

Should I keep going?

So, what causes brands to miss with social and content?

Amber Rhodes has the answers.

Spoiler: It's about building mini-creators for your brand vs having ONE face. And focusing on collaboration.

Why should you listen?

  • You want to learn how to make social work for your marketing

  • You're curious about developing MODERN content strategies

  • You want to improve your customer interview ability

6. Life Idea

I'm writing this from a Chick-fil-A parking lot.

I'm in Milwaukee for an event. Supporting friends.

Here is a simple life idea for this week:

How can you support a friend in their endeavors? Help them!

I know I need to focus more on cheering my friends on.